
Upcoming events

    • 15 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 17 May 2025
    • 4:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT
    • 1

    Rug Hooking with a Painterly Twist

    This is a rug hooking retreat that will focus on exploring the use of highlights and shadows while discovering the importance of negative space and atmosphere. Students will also learn to build contrast with color and texture to support the main subject. 

    The three-day retreat will focus on identifying and building your main subject and developing the areas around it. Softening details that are less important by adjusting the strength of color, placements of highlights and shadows or adding texture. We build interest in our rugs by adding details seen in nature to our compositions. Stand atop the tallest hill in the morning mist, as you look across the horizon, notice the subtle tone of each consecutive hill becoming softer, cooler, more muted. The jagged base of old barns, deeper in color and shadows from snow and water continually soaking the wood. Lichen and moss blanketing stones along filed edges. Identifying the season through color; tender chartreuse leaves in the springtime that mature to deep green by mid-summer and onto brilliant red, leather-like, blankets in Autumn. Photographs of your landscape or still life, paired with the knowledge of what our eyes actually see, develop painterly rugs.

    More examples of Michelle's work and more info at:

    Note:  Registration opens August 8, 2024.

    • 15 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 17 May 2025
    • 4:00 PM

    Pay Balance for Michelle Palmer Workshop 

    This event registration is ONLY for folks who paid a deposit already.

    Register for this "event" to pay your $285  balance by March 16, 2025, or you might lose your space -- and your deposit!

    • 15 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 17 May 2025
    • 4:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT
    • 6

    Anne Cox – Celebrate Spring: Designing a Spring Rug

    The goal of this class is to have participants design and create their own 18”x18”small rugs based on the idea of “Spring,” since in mid-May we should be firmly in the Spring season and looking towards Summer even. The class will include slide shows of art that invokes “Spring” and a presentation of the design process I use in the rugs I make. During the three days of the class I hope participants will tap into their own creativity, and enjoy hooking their own designs.

    The rugs below are recent works by Anne,  they are much larger than the 18×18″ rug you’ll be designing.  You can click on a thumbnail to look at Anne’s work more closely.

    For more information, including what students need to bring see:

    Note:  registration opens August 8, 2024.

    • 15 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 17 May 2025
    • 4:00 PM

    Pay Balance for Anne Cox Workshop 

    This event registration is ONLY for folks who paid a deposit already.

    Register for this "event" to pay your $285  balance by March 16, 2025, or you might lose your space -- and your deposit!

    • 15 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 17 May 2025
    • 4:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT
    • 4

    Hook an Agate Slice Using Copper Piping

    Join textile artist Yvonne Iten-Scott as she guides you through creating a unique piece of wall art or floor rug. We will first look at some colorful slices of agate stone to form an idea of these beautiful patterns in nature. Using multiple techniques such as hooking, punching, braiding, standing wool, proddy, quillies, wet felting and sculpting, you will build your piece organically on linen that is stretched on copper piping. You can bend the copper into your desired shape. You may choose to incorporate many different fibers such as wool fabric, yarns, velvet, leather, twine and  roving. You will enjoy seeing your freeform shape develop throughout this class. Your piece may be wall hung with the copper piping left in or you can remove it and finish your rug for the floor.

     See more info, including what to bring at

    Note:  Registration is closed until August 8, 2024.


    • 15 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 17 May 2025
    • 4:00 PM

    Pay Balance for Yvonne Iten-Scott Workshop 

    This event registration is ONLY for folks who paid a deposit already.

    Register for this "event" to pay your $285  balance by March 16, 2025, or you might lose your space -- and your deposit!

    • 15 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 16 May 2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT
    • 11

    GMRHG Hooked in the Mountains Class May 2025

    Teacher:  Louise Minks

    Name of Class:

    Rug Hooking Through a Painter’s Eyes:  Exploring Color and Design


    Thursday, May 15 and Friday, May 16, 2025


    1 ½ Day Class

    Thurs. May 15,  9 AM-4PM 

    Fri. May 16, 9 AM-12PM

    Class Size:

    6 Minimum

    15 Max


    $220 - includes Thursday lunch.

    Description of Class:

    Painters are taught that good composition, or "design", is essential to the success of a painting, along with effective color suitable to the subject or focus.  We will explore ways to make good decisions in developing and completing hooked projects with these goals in mind.

    There will be exercises and demonstrations to help students explore different design options and the ways color can change the impact of a finished piece. This will offer opportunities to try new ideas and techniques in case something different feels interesting and possible!

    Class includes:

    • Looking at paintings to find/understand design & color ideas.
    • Practicing design with exercises using paper/scissors and coloring tools.
    • Exploring composition with demonstrations/activities
    • Understanding color relationships & using the color wheel 
    • Learning playful and non threatening skills to enhance work


    Students will bring two small pieces of their own work for a guided group commentary experience-one favorite and one they aren't sure about

    Louise will take students on a tour of the show to talk about and find examples of newly learned techniques

    Students will leave with the beginning of one or more new designs but no hooking will be done in class.

    Supplies Sold by Louise:

    Colored papers and coloring tools; glue sticks; color wheels and handouts about composition and color to take home  - $7/student, payable to the teacher.

    Students Should Bring to Class:

    1 pair each large and small paper cutting scissors; notebook, pen and pencil


    For samples of Louise's work, her bio and artist statement, please see  her workshop page at

    • 15 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 16 May 2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT

    This "event" is only for those who have already registered and paid a $90 deposit for Louise Minks' workshop. 

    • 17 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT
    • 5

    Needle Felting - One day workshop

    Needle felting is a simple technique that uses barbed needles and carded wool to decorate a felt surface with design. In this tapestry class, there will be an abundance of designs to choose from and a bountiful assortment of color choices, allowing each student the flexibility to create very personal tapestries that will exhibit the unique characteristics of the artist within you.

    This class is perfect for people who want to sample the technique and more complex projects are offered for those who would like a challenge. Students may also create their own design from scratch if they prefer.

    Along the way, you will build your needling skills, gain design experience and experiment with color. While we needle, we can talk about inspiration, composition, needle varieties, non-woven wool & the history of felt. You will also gain insight into the basic principles of wet felting in a way that is straightforward and accessible using readily available equipment.

    See more info and more examples of Neysa's work at

    Note:  Registration is closed until August 8th, 2024.

    • 17 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT

    NOTE:  This "event" is only for users who have already paid a deposit and reserved a space in this workshop.

    Your payment in full is due by March 16, 2024, or you may lose your place in the class and your deposit.

    • 17 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 18 May 2025
    • 2:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT
    • 2

    One Day (Saturday) plus Five Hour (Sunday) Workshop with Davey DeGraff

    An Introduction to Hooking a Landscape
    Davey Mace DeGraff

    In a just a few short hours this workshop will cover some of the very basics of hooking a rural landscape in a painterly style.  Each student will be given a small pattern on linen that will include a building, a tree, a field, hills and sky.  Using smaller cuts and some yarns, you will be shown how I hook each element and then you can spend some time hooking yours.  The goal is to at least start each motif and then be able to finish it later.

    Students will need to bring their own hooking supplies* including wool in the colors that please them.  I prefer to work on these small pieces using a 6 cut and spot dyed wools.  You can work with the colors and the wool you prefer bearing in mind the size of the landscape you’ll be given.  I will also bring some wool and some of my work as examples.

    *Bring frame, hook, scissors and cutter, if you have one.

    Examples of Davey’s work, from our 2023 Virtual Show:  The Mace Barn,  Field of Goldenrod, The Brown Barn.

    More information is available here:

    Note:  Registration is closed until August 8, 2024.

    • 18 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT
    • 11

    Five-hour workshop with Stephanie Allen-Krauss

    Problem Solving & Techniques of Finishing

    Do you have a rug hooking project that you can’t figure out what’s not working? Or are you struggling with how to finish your piece? During this class Stephanie will offer suggestions on how to improve a design or color plan, and she’ll discuss a variety of finishing techniques. Through discussion, handouts and hooked examples, she’ll share her expertise on problem solving and her knowledge of finishing techniques that will include “Show Binding”, ways to hang a hooked piece, and some simple ways to make a pillow. Whether you bring a wide-cut primitive, fine-cut shaded floral, a pictorial piece or a geometric rug, Stephanie can help.

    More info and images of Stephanie's work are available here:

    Note:  Registration is closed until August 8, 2024.

    • 18 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT
    • 12

    Beginning Rug Hooking Class

    An example of a beginner’s rug hooking project.

    This class is an introduction to “Traditional” Rug Hooking. A kit can be purchased for $40 which will include a pattern, wool fabric strips and other fibers, yarn, and a hook. A rug hooking frame or quilting hoop will be available for use and may be purchased for an additional fee, or students can bring their own frame or hoop.

    This class will provide  basic instruction of traditional rug hooking. Students will learn the techniques and the fundamentals of this craft. They will learn how to “pull” loops through a foundation backing.

    We will discuss fibers that can used: be it wool material, yarn, and other fibers. Also, the different types of foundations.

    Students will learn to hook a simple pattern and will be able to choose their own wool colors and learn how to cut it using different cutting machines available.

    Some discussion of color planning and designing their own rugs. Students will learn various ways to finish the pattern. Examples of various finished hooked pieces will be shown and discussed to give the students a background of possibilities to pursue this art form.

    Discussions will cover tools, equipment, color planning.

    Various finishing methods will be demonstrated, and much more.

    The student will leave the class with the basic skills to finish the pattern and have a beautiful textile art they can be proud of.

    Instructional handouts will be provided for further guidance.

    Note:  Registration is closed until August 8, 2024.

    • 18 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT

    Note:  This "event" is only for those who have registered and paid a deposit.

    Pay the balance due ($55 ) by March 16, 2025, or risk losing your space and your deposit.

    • 18 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT

    Note:  This "event" is only for those who have registered and paid a deposit.

    Pay the balance due ($55 ) by March 16, 2025, or risk losing your space and your deposit.

    • 18 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT

    Note:  This "event" is only for those who have registered and paid a deposit.

    Pay the balance due by March 16, 2025, or risk losing your space and your deposit.

    $55 due from Sunday only registrants who paid $35 deposit.

    $140 due from Sunday only registrants who paid $90 "in full."

    $195 due from Saturday/Sunday registrants who paid only the $35 deposit.

Green Mountain Rug Hooking Guild is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization dedicated to educating the public about the fine art of rug hooking.  For more information contact our Guild President Sharon O'Neill.

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